Kentucky Summer Classic

Parkwide 4089 Iron Works Pkwy, Lexington, KY, United States

The Kentucky Summer Horse Shows is a series of two 5-day competitions. The event draws some of the worldโ€™s top hunter/jumper talent from all over!

USEF Pony Finals

Parkwide 4089 Iron Works Pkwy, Lexington, KY, United States

In 1959, the British National Pony Society and the British Show Pony Society challenged American pony riders to an international Pony Hunter Competition. First held at the prestigious National Horse […]

Bluegrass Festival Horse Show

Kentucky Horse Park 4089 Iron Works Pkwy, Lexington, KY, United States

A series of Hunter/Jumper competitionsย located in Alltech Arena, Rolex Stadium, Walnut Ring, HJ Complex, Covered Arena.

Walk to Defeat ALS

Alltech Arena Parking Lot 4089 Iron Works Pkwy, Lexington, KY, United States

The Walk to Defeat ALS is the #1 way to support and fundraise for people living with ALS. Fundraising through the Walk drives bold and urgent innovation as we march […]

KHJA Show – August

Kentucky Horse Park 4089 Iron Works Pkwy, Lexington, KY, United States

KHJA was originally founded in 1965 as a non-profit by a group of devoted individuals. They hosted their very first “A” rated show in 1981 at The Kentucky Horse Park, […]

Kentucky Classique Horse Trials

Kentucky Classique Horse Trials runs Starter through Advanced level and is held at the Kentucky Horse Park. Hundreds of Eventing horses and riders come to compete over beautiful and well-designed […]

Bluegrass Classic Dog Show

Alltech Arena 4089 Iron Works Pkwy, Lexington, KY, United States

An Event For Every Dog 2025 Bluegrass Classic Cluster: 5 days full of great things dog! They are planning conformation, specialties and supported entries, obedience, rally, cats and fast cats, […]

KHP Foundation Battle in the Saddle

Covered Arena 4089 Iron Works Pkwy, Lexington, KY, United States

BATTLE IN THE SADDLE TEAM PINNING EVENT Teams compete against each other with their celebrity rider to determine who has the skills and bravery necessary to pen a group of […]

Water Lantern Festival

Kentucky Horse Park 4089 Iron Works Pkwy, Lexington, KY, United States

Lantern Festival is a floating lantern event that is all about connections. As the sun begins to set on the evening sky, the Water Lantern Festival begins to shine with […]

RMHA International Grand Championship

Covered Arena 4089 Iron Works Pkwy, Lexington, KY, United States

The 38th Annual Rocky Mountain Horse Association International Grand Championships will take place Wednesday, September 3rd through Saturday, September 6th, 2025, at the Kentucky Horse Park Covered Arena in Lexington, […]

Mustang Champions Classic

Rolex Stadium 4089 Iron Works Pkwy, Lexington, KY, United States

The Mustang Classic will showcase the skill and adaptability of the American mustangs and the talented exhibitors that work with them in the English discipline. The event will provide the […]

International Gay Polo Tournament

Man O’ War Polo Field

The Gay Polo League (GPL) is the only LGBTQ+ polo organization in the world. GPL is dedicated to producing high-end polo events and experiences around the globe. They have a […]