Competitor & General Info
The information on this page assists competitors and event managers conducting or participating in an event at the Kentucky Horse Park. Exhibitors and show managers should refer to this page concerning updated stabling requirements, Kentucky Horse Park policies and procedures, and contact information.
For the most current information regarding health requirements, please visit
Please refer to the Equine Disease Communication Center website for real-time information about equine-related disease outbreaks throughout North America.
The following documents are provided for your convenience so please click on the appropriate document for download:
Leash Laws For Dogs
In accordance with Fayette County law, all dogs on the Kentucky Horse Park grounds must be on a leash. Dogs cannot run-at-large, even under voice command, and they must wear their current license and rabies tags at all times.
Sec. 4-29. Running at large prohibited.
It shall be unlawful for the owner of any animal to allow it to run at large unattended on or about the streets and highways of the unincorporated limits of the county or on the property of another without such property owner’s consent. Any such animal at large shall be impounded by the director or his authorized representative as hereinafter provided.
A judge can fine any amount up to $1,000.00 and/or jail time. The first offense is at the discretion of the Judge, second and third offenses are mandatory set fines. You may be fined more but not less. Four or more offenses are at the discretion of the Judge.
Typical Fines
- First Offense: At Judge’s discretion
- Second Offense: $250.00 plus court costs and the animal must be spayed or neutered if it has not already been altered, including purebred animals
- Third Offense: $500.00 plus court cost
It is State law that all animals must be vaccinated against rabies. Animals are old enough to be vaccinated against rabies at the age of three to four months. We do issue citations for unvaccinated animals.
It is State law that any animal adopted from an animal shelter or humane society are spayed or neutered. We do issue citations when someone adopts an animal and fails to have it spayed or neutered.
All other violations of the animal control ordinance must be heard in court.