LEXINGTON, Ky. (March 15, 2020) – The Kentucky Horse Park Commission in-person meeting scheduled for Monday, March 16th at 1 p.m. is canceled given the need for social distancing due to the State of Emergency declared by Governor Andy Beshear in Executive Order 2020-15. The meeting will alternatively be conducted via videoconference using Zoom Meeting accessible through the videoconference link and call-in information below:
Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/790680985
Meeting ID: 790 680 985
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Meeting ID: 790 680 985
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/acd9Z80b9O
Instructions for using Zoom Meeting are accessible at the following link: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201362193-Joining-a-Meeting
Members of the public who want to participate are encouraged to join the meeting remotely using Zoom; however, members of the general public may gather to view the videoconference meeting at the Tourism, Arts, and Heritage conference room, at the following address: Office of the Secretary, 500 Mero Street, Fifth Floor, Frankfort, Kentucky 40601. If attending in-person, you are advised to take all reasonably necessary steps to protect your health and the health of others, including but not limited to, avoiding person-to-person contact, engaging in “social distancing,” and not attending the meeting if you are exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 (fever, shortness of breath, and coughing).
- Welcome and Call to Order from Chair – Alston Kerr
- Approval of Minutes of January 17, 2020, Commission Meeting
- Executive Session to discuss personnel
- Report, recommendation, and action on financial management for the current fiscal year